
What is Reverse Polarity?

Anthony Garner

25 May 2024

So my chlorinator says 'reverse polarity', is that a good thing?

Reverse Polarity is a very good thing (if it works correctly), because it helps your chlorinator cell work properly.

Let me explain...

Old-school chlorinators would get caked up with a chalky white substance on a monthly basis, which we pool technicians would have to clean off during each pool service (and have to charge accordingly, unfortunately). This chalky subsstance is calcium, which binds to certain plates of the cell as a byproduct of the electrolysis reaction, thereby producing the pool chlorine.

This white chalky calcium would cover the cell plates, reducing the surface area of the cell plates. If no water can touch the cell plates, no chlorine can be produced, and the pool will go green. Which used to commonly happen.


This modern technology (also known as self-cleaning technology) allows the calcium to be pushed off of the dirty cell plates, resulting in a clean, effective chlorinator cell, with plenty of contact to the pool water and, in theory, plenty of chlorine generation.

But What If My Chlorine Is Still Low?

There could be a couple of reasons. First, check your salt level and adjust if needed (see which pool salt to use here).

If the salt level is ok, your cell is clean and your chlorine is still low, maybe your chlorinator cell is dying. Get in touch so we can help you get your system back to full functionality.

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