
All Pool Salt Is Equal, Right? Wrong! Here's Why...

Anthony Garner

19 May 2024

Do you like rust stains? Then buy cheap pool salt...

I'll give you two reasons why NOT to throw cheap pool salt in your $50,000 pool.

  • It's chunky

You ever bought the cheap stuff? It's a heap of massive rocks of salt. You throw that stuff into your pool and it'll take forever to dissolve.

Buy good quality salt from a pool shop, however, and you'll find it's usually at least as fine as your ground table salt (if it isn't, get in touch with us to get the real stuff).

So what's the problem? I'll tell you what. If it's more coarse, it sits on the pool floor for longer, taking more time to dissolve.

Still not a problem? Well, keep reading...

  • It's likely impure

Much of the cost-cutting of producing pool salt is in removing the metallic impurities. You buy the cheap stuff, you run the risk of introducing metals into your pool, and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to draw the conclusion that rust stains may result.

Now imagine, massive chunks of potentially impure chunks of pool salt sitting on the floor of your pool ad infinitum.

As an experienced pool technician, I've seen many pools that look like they they have had ground black pepper poured over the floor.

When I ask, it turns out they've used cheap pool salt.

Please, please don't do it guys. Protect your investment with good quality salt.

If you need a legit supplier, get in touch and hopefully we can help you out (or at least hopefully point you in the right direction)

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